Form details

Learn how the fields shown in the form affect your booking.

To make a booking, you’ll need to complete a booking form.

The fields you’ll see will depend on the resource. For example, if you’re making a booking for Office Equipment, you’ll only need to enter the Booking title.

Here are some of the fields that you’ll need to fill out, and what they’re for:


Booking title

A unique title that’ll help you differentiate this booking from your other bookings. For example, Monthly stakeholder meeting or Design review.

You’ll see this booking title on:

  • the Your bookings page

  • booking notifications sent to you

Booking usage

The purpose of your booking. You’ll be given a list of options to select from. For example, Workshop or Event.

This field may not be shown, depending on your agency and the resource. Some agency admins choose to collect this information to help them understand how resources are used.

Booking owner

By default, this field will be pre-populated with your details if you’re making the booking. If you’re making a booking on behalf of someone else, you may wish to change this. However, changing the booking owner would mean that you’ll lose all the rights that a booking owner has.

The booking owner will be able to:

  • view, edit, transfer, or cancel the booking

  • receive notifications for the booking

  • manually start the booking, if it’s required

  • add booking hosts for the booking

Booking hosts

If you’re co-hosting a meeting or event with someone else, you may wish to add them as a booking host. You’ll be able to add up to 3 hosts.

Booking hosts will be able to:

  • view, edit, or cancel the booking

  • receive notifications for the booking

  • manually start the booking, if it’s required

  • add booking hosts for the booking

Understand how resource bookings work.

What happens when you select a different layout for a Room resource.

What happens when you request for extra services, or add another resource to your booking.

Last updated