🔁Recurring bookings

A series of repeated bookings.

If you want to book a Room resource for a similar purpose multiple times, you can make a recurring booking. This saves you time from filling out the booking form repeatedly.

Making a recurring booking is similar to making multiple bookings with different dates, but with the same:

  • booking time

  • booking title

  • booking usage

  • booking owner

  • booking hosts

After a recurring booking has been made, you can edit an individual booking in that series. For example, to change the time for 1 out of the 4 bookings in a recurring series.

Here are some examples of when you might want to make a recurring booking:

  • 3-day workshop

  • team meeting every other Thursday

  • monthly meeting with external stakeholders

To make a recurring booking:

  1. Make a booking for the first date in the series For example, if this is for a 3-day workshop from 7 to 9 November, make a booking for 7 November.

  2. Change the option for the Booking recurrence field By default, the booking form has Does not repeat selected. To make a recurring booking, change the selected option.

Types of recurring booking

Type of recurrenceExamples

Recurring pattern

  • Repeats every 3 days

  • Repeats every week, on Wednesday

  • Repeats on the 3rd of every month

  • Repeats on 27 June every year

You’ll also have to decide when the recurring booking should end, and whether to exclude weekends.

Multiple dates

  • Repeats on specific dates: 6 December, 14 December, 18 December, 26 December

Excluding weekends

When making a recurring booking based on a pattern, you can choose to exclude weekends. If you do so, the dates that fall on a weekend will be skipped.

Here's an example for a series of 4 recurring bookings that repeat every 3 days and excludes weekends:



1 November, Wednesday

Skipped: 4 November, Saturday


7 November, Tuesday


10 November, Friday


13 November, Monday

When the resource is not available

After you’ve completed the booking recurrence section, the system will automatically check the availability of your selected resource.

You may be notified that the resource is not available on certain days, based on your recurring pattern or dates.

If this happens, you can:

  1. Note down the dates when the resource is not available

  2. Complete the recurring booking

  3. Choose another resource and make a recurring booking (multiple dates) for the rest of the dates

Viewing and editing recurring bookings

To view your recurring bookings, select Your bookings on the top navigation bar. Each individual booking in the recurring series will appear on its own. This means you’ll be able to view, cancel, or edit individual bookings in a recurring series separately.

If a booking is part of a recurring series, you’ll see the Recurring label under the status column.

When you view a booking that’s part of a recurring series, you can view the other bookings in the series by selecting the Recurring bookings tab.

Last updated